Oh, the worldwide bash that is New Year's Eve, where the entire planet collectively agrees to throw The party of the year. Whether you're on a mission to snag fireworks  or embarking on a party adventure destined to become epic, revelers across the globe persist in keeping the festivities alive long after Cinderella's clock strikes midnight. Some ingenious souls have even deciphered the secret recipe for ushering in the new year twice – it's akin to having your cake and savoring it while casually bending the rules of time.

Finland and Sweden - Tornio Finland and Harapanda Sweden

Picture this: neighboring towns split by a river, not just any river but the Torne River, dividing Scandinavia like a celestial zipper. Finland does its thing in Eastern European Standard Time, while Sweden sways to the rhythm of Central European Standard Time. Fireworks in Tornio, a casual stroll across the river, and boom – you've just pulled off a two-timing New Year's Eve. Plus, up in Lapland, you might catch the northern lights showing off, putting man-made light shows to shame.

Portugal and Spain - Badajoz Spain and Estremoz Portugal

Spain and Portugal, the Iberian Peninsula buddies who don't sync their clocks. Badajoz, Spain, kicks off the festivities with Spanish flair, and a short hop west takes you to Portugal's Alentejo region for round two. It's like a party relay race with countryside views and white-marble architecture that predates your smartphone.

California and Arizona - Lake Havasu City and Mojave National Preserve

Needles, California, the not-so-hidden gem for West Coast revelers. Begin your evening in Lake Havasu City, admire the London Bridge, and catch some riverside fireworks. A quick trip across the river to Needles offers another fireworks display and a gateway to Mojave National Preserve. Sure, it might not be the wildest party, but the views make up for it – a New Year's double feature, nature-style.

The Forgotten Coast, Florida - Port St. Joe and Mexico Beach

Florida's Panhandle, where time can't decide whether it's Eastern or Central Standard. Port St. Joe and Mexico Beach, practically neighbors with a time zone twist. In the past, they've thrown a party called "Celebrate Twice," offering a scavenger hunt, double fireworks, and a free trolley to hop between time zones until the wee hours. Hurricane Michael might have canceled this year's shindig, but mark it on your calendar for future fun – because who wouldn't want to celebrate New Year's twice and support the Forgotten Coast?

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